UPDATED. 2024-11-06 17:16 (수)
Hansol Technics to supply wireless charging modules for Galaxy S11+
Hansol Technics to supply wireless charging modules for Galaxy S11+
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2019.11.30 19:53
  • 댓글 0
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Chemtronics to supply low-end models

South Korea’s Hansol Technics will be the exclusive supplier of wireless charging modules for Samsung Electronics Galaxy S11+ that is expected to be launched in 2020, industry sources said on Nov. 29.

The S11+ model will be the most premium in the lineup that is to consist of the plus type, the budget type and the e-type, according to the sources.

Another local manufacturer Chemtronics is to now supply the low-end S11e. This came as a surprise, as most industry experts had expected Chemtronics to supply the high-end model after acquiring Samsung Electronic-mechanics for 21 billion in April this year. Along with the deal came the Samsung unit’s contracts, including this year’s deal to supply wireless charging modules for premium Galaxy S10 models.

Chemtronics may now suffer losses because in the Galaxy lineup, the higher models are the cash cows, said market watchers. The firm had exclusively supplied the modules for the Galaxy Fold that was launched in September, but the phone is expected to sell only several hundred thousand. The Galaxy S series, on the other hand sells an average 35 million units.

This year, the Galaxy S+ accounted for about 40% of the total sales of the Galaxy series. The Galaxy S10e accounted for less than 20%. “Samsung Electronics may want to take it slow, since it marks the first time for Chemtronics to mass produce the modules using its own production lines.


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