UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
SK hynix names two new CEOs
SK hynix names two new CEOs
  • Jeon Dong Yeob
  • 승인 2019.12.09 07:41
  • 댓글 0
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Jin to head manufacturing, Chin to head global biz
SK hynix' CEO Jin Kyo-won
SK hynix' new CEO Jin Kyo-won

SK hynix, the world’s No.2 memory chipmaker, on Dec. 5 said it has undergone its regular executive reshuffling that involved promoting Jin kyo-won, vice chief executive at the DRAM development division, to the new head for development and manufacturing.

The firm’s vice chief for global business at SK Hynix America Richard Chin was also made CEO. Including the two CEOs, SK hynix reshuffled a total of 20 executives.

“Our goal was to enhance customer value and raise the level of satisfaction of each of our employees,” said SK hynix in a statement. “As a part of this plan, we installed a new division overseeing development and manufacturing.”

Jin is one of the company’s top technology experts. As head of the new department, he plans to monitor the entire chipmaking process, from the development to mass production, while also managing the team.

Meanwhile, SK hynix’ parent group SK Group kept most top chiefs at key companies intact while bringing in younger, foreign and female executives on board. The group announced a total of 117 new names in its annual executive reshuffle that included nine promotions to chief executive position including the two at SK hynix.

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