UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Eco Pro BM develops next-gen NCMA cathode
Eco Pro BM develops next-gen NCMA cathode
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2020.03.18 05:57
  • 댓글 0
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To supply within 1H

South Korea’s largest lithium battery cathode-maker Eco Pro BM has developed NCMA cathode that can help raise efficiency of EVs, and is expected to supply them to clients within the first half of this year, according to the company on Mar. 17.

NCMA composes more than 80% of nickel and uses less cobalt. It is also known to be more durable and efficient for EV batteries. Along with CSG and NCA, Eco Pro BM has now added another high-nickel cathode product to its lineup.

But competition is fierce, as other companies such as LG Chem, POSCO Chemical, L&F and Cosmo Advanced Materials are also developing such cathode.

One of NCMA’s key features is versatility, as it can be applied to all types of batteries, from pouch-types to square and cylindrical. It also will buy Eco Pro BM some time before adding another next-generation battery cathode, the NCM9½½, to its lineup.

NCMA has been gaining much attention from battery and carmakers alike. Recently, GM said it would be applying NCMA cathode to its new EV platforms. GM has signed on to jointly build an EV battery plant in the US.

POSCO Chemical, L&F and Cosmo is also likely to produce new products in 2021, indicating that price competition is expected.

According to market research firm SNE Research, NCM-type cathode such as NCM523 and NCM811 accounted for 55.3% of the eco-friendly car battery market during the first 11 months of 2019. Beginning in 2021, NCMA and NCM811 cathode is projected to take off.

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