UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
SK Telecom to support 5G, MEC start-ups
SK Telecom to support 5G, MEC start-ups
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.01 18:17
  • 댓글 0
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Image: SK Telecom
Image: SK Telecom

SK Telecom is offering an accelerator program for promising start-ups in 5G and mobile edge computing (MEC), the company announced.

The telco will receive applications for its TIP Ecosystem Acceleration Center (TEAC) program this month and choose five companies to support, it said.

SK Telecom will offer its commercial network for testing, co-develop a global business model and connect those chosen with investors.

TIP, or Telecom Infra Project, was formed in 2016 by global telcos and tech giants such as SK Telecom, Facebook, Intel and Nokia as a collaborative telecom technologies community for design, build and implementation for an open network. SK Telecom is head of the Korean arm of the organization.

So far, 6 South Korean start-ups have received support from TEAC since the program began, SK Telecom said.

Local optical telecom solution company Optella, which was part of the program, was acquired by US company Cosemi Technology, the telco said.

Singapore-based wireless optical telecom equipment maker Transcelestial won orders from telcos and received investments after successfully testing its goods on SK Telecom’s commercial network. 

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