UPDATED. 2024-11-12 07:26 (화)
Merck integrates semiconductor solution biz 
Merck integrates semiconductor solution biz 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.03 20:38
  • 댓글 0
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Synergy will contribute US$84 in revenue by 2022, company says
Kai Beckmann, CEO of Performance Materials at Merck. Image: Merck
Kai Beckmann, CEO of Performance Materials at Merck. Image: Merck

Merck has integrated its recently acquired US firms into its semiconductor solution unit, it said.

Versum Materials and Intermolecular will be integrated to Semiconductor Solutions, which will be under its Performance Materials, the company said.

Performance Materials complements what each component company had individually lacked, and the synergy from the integration will contribute 75 million euros ($84 million) in revenue as of 2022, Merck said.

Meanwhile, the company said its semiconductor unit performed well in the first quarter despite challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic.

It expects mid-single digit growth rates in the semiconductor materials market going forward from trends such as 5G and big data as well as new applications such as autonomous driving and Internet of Things.

Performance Materials business will focus on electronic materials market to take part in this demand. The combined capabilities of Versum and Intermolecular, will strengthen its value proposition with integrated solutions across multiple wafer process steps and dimensions, Merck said.

“Through the integration of Versum Materials and Intermolecular, we have set the course for future growth. Our product and service portfolio is designed to enable technological progress in the face of ever-increasing amounts of data. Together, we strive to address some of the most pressing challenges of the time,” said Kai Beckmann, member of the executive board of Merck and CEO Performance Materials, in a statement.

Meanwhile, Merck introduced its Bright Future program in 2018 to realign its Performance Materials business.

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