UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Dreamtech develops electronic nose to detect COVID-19
Dreamtech develops electronic nose to detect COVID-19
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.05 16:29
  • 댓글 1
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The tech was co-developed with Israeli start-up Nanoscent
Image: Dreamtech
Image: Dreamtech

Dreamtech has developed a diagnostic device that can detect whether a patient has contracted COVID-19 in 30 seconds, the company said Friday.

The device was co-developed with Israeli start-up Nanoscent, and uses the company’s electronic nose solution.

It detects volatile organic compound from patient’s breath to see whether they have contracted the virus.

Dreamtech said its device was more convenient than temperature measurement or test kits currently used to check for COVID-19.

The device can also detect the virus from asymptomatic patients, the company said.

Applying the device for check-ups at airports or crowded areas will save cost considerably, it added.

Dreamtech and Nanoscent plan to modulate the device and pair it with designated breathing bags.

They will supply 500 of the devices and 100,000 bags by August to clients.

The two will seek approval from Europe’s CE in the third quarter, followed by the US’s FDA and Israel’s AMAR to export the goods.

Dreamtech invested a million dollars in Nanoscent in March last year, to become the exclusive vendor for the electronic nose solution.

The technology is also being funded by the Korea-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation. The two companies plan to invest US$4 million in the next 27 months into research and development to upgrade the technology further.

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다인 2020-06-06 11:04:06
일본의 Sumitomo에서 Nanoscent에 작년부터 투자해오고 이번 COVID 19 관련하여 초기필요예산의 총 70%를 투자했고 상용화하는데 몇년이 걸린다고 했다는 기사가 이스라엫 공식사이트에 있는데 드림텍이 나노센트와 공동 개발 (투자), 세일즈를 독점계약, 센서기 생산ㆍ공급에 들어가는것이 정확한 정보인지 확인이 필요하지는 않는지요? 드림텍과 수미토모 어느 기업이 맞는지, 둘다 추진하고 있는지 혼란스럽습니다

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