UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
LG Display changes company goal after 8 years
LG Display changes company goal after 8 years
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.16 16:26
  • 댓글 0
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Korea firm aims to become "The Best Display Solution Company"
LG Display CEO Chung Ho-young Image: LG Display
LG Display CEO Chung Ho-young Image: LG Display

LG Display has changed its company goal for the first time in eight years, the South Korean display panel maker said on Tuesday.

The new goal will “The Best Display Solution Company”. LG said it reflected the company’s desire to provide customers with the best service, process, system and talent.

The previous company goal was “Global No.1 Display Company”. 

LG Display said the new goal represented its commitment to customer.

The company said it will also look at business from an ecosystem perspective rather than a display panel manufacturer going forward.

Five behavior expected from employees under the company goal will be: customer first, insight driver, agility, thoroughness and open collaboration.  

LG Display also set forth a new vision for the company, dubbed “You Dream, We Display”.

The company will work to put large-sized OLED panels to the mainstream, turnaround its plastic OLED, or mobile OLED, business and restructure its LCD business faster.

Many uncertainties lied ahead but it also presented the company with new oppurtunities, LG Display CEO Chung Ho-young said, in a statement.

LG Display's new vision and company goal Image: LG Display
LG Display's new vision and company goal Image: LG Display


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