UPDATED. 2024-09-19 21:39 (목)
Intel launches upgraded RealSense camera 
Intel launches upgraded RealSense camera 
  • Jane Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.19 18:28
  • 댓글 0
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D455 doubles the range of previous models
Image: Intel
Image: Intel

Intel has launched an upgraded version of its RealSense camera, the company said on Thursday.

Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455 achieves twice the range of previous generation model, the US chip giant said.

The camera has an optimal range of 6 meters. It integrates an IMU to allow for refinement of its depth awareness in any situation where the camera moves.

The D455 achieves less than 2% Z-error at 4 meters, Intel said. The depth sensors are located 95 millimeters apart, providing greater depth accuracy at a longer range.

The depth and RGB sensors are placed on the same stiffener, resulting in an improved alignment of color and depth. Meanwhile, the RGB sensor has the same field of view as the depth sensors, further improving correlation of depth and color points, the company added.

Stereo depth works in a wide variety of lighting conditions. With its long range, enhanced accuracy and easy deployment, the D455 camera can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications, the US chip giant added.

Robots with the camera will be able to make decisions quickly.

In healthcare applications, by mounting the D455 in the corner of a hospital room, staff can closely monitor patients through alerts based on movement via third-party software.

D455 utilizes the same SDK 2.0 as the entire portfolio of Intel RealSense devices to leverage existing code base, allowing for easy upgrades from any of Intel’s depth cameras with virtually no development time.

The camera is priced at US$239 (around 290,000 won) and available for pre-order now at intelrealsense.com.

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