UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
Hana targets 100 bil won sales from battery kit this year
Hana targets 100 bil won sales from battery kit this year
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2020.11.07 01:18
  • 댓글 0
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CEO blasts display, chip kit making rivals entering battery sector
Hana Technology CEO Oh Tae-bong Image: TheElec
Hana Technology CEO Oh Tae-bong Image: TheElec

Battery equipment maker Hana Technology is aiming for sales of over 100 billion won, it said at its IPO press conference on Friday.

The company said it posted 55.1 billion won in sales in the first half of 2020. It had 29.7 billion won in remaining orders as of August and is very likely to meet its target.

Hana has the ability to offer the necessary equipment in turn-key to produce various kinds of batteries from circular, prismatic to pouch-type.

It offers notching, stacking, tab welding, degassing, packaging and formation kits.

In the first half of 2020, Samsung SDI accounted for 55.5% of sales, while LG Chem accounted for 12.3% and SK Innovation 31.2%.

Hana said it expected Samsung to account for 35%, LG 25% and SK 20% of its sales next year, with the remaining 20% taken by new overseas customers.

It expects equipment for electrolyte to account for 5%, assembly 50%, formation 30% and packaging 10% of its sales in 2021.

Company CEO Oh Tae-bong it was able to provide various battery production equipment for 17 years thanks to its technology. Hana was developing a new core kit for the electrolyte process and has ability to react to next-generation batteries, the CEO stressed.

On semiconductor and display equipment maker entering the battery sector, Oh said profitability was difficult to achieve in the battery sector and said they will face difficulty from costs.

Hana is also expanding into production of ultrathin glass and recycled Batteries. 

It will offer heat chamfering kit for glass production __ it has already succeed in making a 0.05T(1T=1mm) glass with a folded raidius of 1mm with Samsung Display. It is testing a kit for 0.03T. Hana hopes for sales of 50 billion won from this business.

Hana will offer 800,000 new shares in its IPO. It is hoping for share price between 31,000 won and 35,000 won. It is hoping to raise between 24.8 billion won and 28 billion won. Around 10 billion won will be used to payback debts and 3.8 billion won in operation. The remaining 9.8 billion won will be spent on research and development. Demand forecast will last from November 9 to 10. It will list at the end of November. Hana Financial Investment is underwriting the deal.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
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