UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
LG Display CTO calls MiniLED an extension of LCD
LG Display CTO calls MiniLED an extension of LCD
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.01.12 07:29
  • 댓글 0
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Tech limited compared to OLED, exec says 
LG Display CTO Yoon Soo-young, right. Image: TheElec
LG Display CTO Yoon Soo-young, right. Image: TheElec

LG Display CTO Yoon Soo-young said on Monday that MiniLED technology was an extension of existing liquid crystal display (LCD) technology that has clear limitations.

MiniLED was an LCD with improved backlighting that has the same limitation a conventional LCD, Yoon said.

OLED will continue to be ahead of LCD in blacks and flickers, the CTO added.

Yoon stressed that display panel technology must be divided between self-emissive and those that aren’t such as LCD.

The CTO said MicroLED on the other hand was, like OLED, self-emissive and can offer the same resolution. However, Yoon said it will be difficult to launch a MicroLED product with acceptable prices. OLED was the only technology that could both offer high resolution quality and acceptable prices, the CTO said.

LG Display also head MicroLED technology of its own and was reviewing its potential for a commercial product.

On when Guangzhou factory in China will ramp up production, the CTO said the factory was producing panels normally and it will react to demand and market situation.

On the issue of burn-in, the CTO said OLED was an established technology in the premium sector which proves it isn’t an issue for consumers. Yoon also said OLED technology continues to be upgraded so the company will secure more good characteristics for the panel.

LG Display also said its transparent OLED panel has been used in three subway lines in China.

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