UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Samsung to cede OLED smartphone top spot to Apple
Samsung to cede OLED smartphone top spot to Apple
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.08.26 17:06
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According to DSCC
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Apple will become the largest shipper of smartphones with OLED screens this year, according to market research firm Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC).

Cupertino is expected to ship 176 million units of OLED smartphones this year for a market share of 28%, the analyst firm said.

Samsung will take second place with 145 million units for a market share of 23%, DSCC said.

This will be the first time that the South Korean tech giant loses it top spot on OLED smartphone shipment.

Samsung has been the top seller of OLED smartphones for the best ten years.

According to DSCC, Xiaomi is expected to ship 82 million units of OLED smartphones for a 13% market share.

Oppo is expected to come fourth with 69 million units shipment and an 11% market share, the analyst firm said.

A total of 630 million OLED smartphone is expected to be shipped this year, DSCC said.

Last year, Samsung moved 150 million OLED smartphones, much more than Apple’s 90 million units.

Cupertino ships around 200 million smartphones a year, while the South Korean tech giant moves around 300 million units.

Samsung has been using OLED panels for over 60% of its products.

It sold less unit of Galaxy S21 than expected while Apple saw strong sales of its iPhone 12 series launched last year.

Meanwhile, DSCC expects Xiaomi to increase its share further in OLED smartphones next year.

In 2022, Apple is expected to ship 178 million units of OLED smartphones for a share of 23%, followed by Samsung’s 162 million units for 21% share and Xiaomi’s 131 million units for 17% share.

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