UPDATED. 2024-09-09 06:53 (월)
LG Display considering both W-OLED and RGB-OLED as monitor tech
LG Display considering both W-OLED and RGB-OLED as monitor tech
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.04.08 09:40
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The company has no plan to develop a monitor OLED panel as of yet
Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec

LG Display is considering a variety of OLED technologies for when it launches OLED panels dedicated to monitors, a company executive said.

The South Korean display panel maker was reviewing both white-OLED (W-OLED) and red, green and blue-OLED (RGB-OLED) for OLED panels aimed at monitors in the 30-inch range, LG Display senior vice president Lee Hyun-hoo said during a conference at Busan hosted by analyst firm UBI Research.

LG Display is currently developing Gen 8.5 (2200x2500mm) OLED technology __ where OLED panels are cut out from 2200x2500mm glass substrates __ to manufacture panels aimed at IT products such as tablets and notebooks.

These panels are expected to be from 10-inch to 20-inch in size.

LG Display is planning to use fine metal masks (FMM) for these panels as it is currently doing for Gen 6 (1500x1850mm) OLED panels. 

This method is called RGB-OLED as the red, green and blue pixels are deposited on the emission layer.

Meanwhile, LG Display is using the W-OLED method for its TV OLED panels, where the emission layers are stacked into three layers using an open metal mask. Besides red, green and blue, it uses white organic materials and uses a WRGB color filter.

Lee noted that both methods had their advantages and this was why it was considering both when it comes to monitor OLED panels.

The company will review pixels per inch for both W-OLED and RGB-OLED before it makes a final decision, the executive said.

However, LG Display currently had no plans and is not developing the technology needed to manufacture OLED panels for monitors, he added.

Meanwhile, Lee also stressed that large OLED panels __ meaning TV OLED panels __ have been verified at the high-end market as Samsung is also launching an OLED TV model this year.

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