UPDATED. 2024-09-05 22:55 (목)
SK Hynix records heavy operating loss again in Q2
SK Hynix records heavy operating loss again in Q2
  • Noh Tae Min 기자
  • 승인 2023.07.28 10:11
  • 댓글 0
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But HBM and graphic DRAM record growth
Image: SK Hynix
Image: SK Hynix

SK Hynix said on Wednesday that it has recorded 2.9 trillion won in operating loss in the second quarter this year.

This means that the South Korean chip giant recorded 6.3 trillion won in operating loss in total for the first half of the year, as the down cycle of the global chip market continues.

However, revenue grew 40% from the previous quarter and the operating loss rate was halved.

There was also growth in high-end products such as HBM3 and graphic DRAM, which accounted for 20% of SK Hynix’s total sales in DRAM during the quarter.

The company explained that average sales prices of its DRAM increased from the previous quarter as demand for high-end products used in AI servers increased, despite PC and smartphone markets still being slow.

SK Hynix said in terms of quality, the company was ahead of HBM to its competitors.

The company plans to lead in the product category and expects HBM4 to launch in 2026.

For the second half of 2023, SK Hynix said it will focus on high-end products such as HBM3, DDR5, and LPDDR5 when it comes to DRAM and 176-layer NAND for SSD when it comes to NAND flash chips.

The company said it will also focus on improving the yield of 10-nanometer Gen 5 DRAM and 236-layer NAND so that when the market condition improves, it can push these products.

However, SK Hynix also announced that it plans to further lower the production output of NAND.

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