UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Samsung to unveil Galaxy S24 on January 17
Samsung to unveil Galaxy S24 on January 17
  • 승인 2023.11.24 13:58
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At San Jose

Samsung will be unveiling its Galaxy S24 smartphones on January 17 next year at San Jose, TheElec has learned.

The date is two weeks earlier than its Unpacked for the Galaxy S23 smartphones held this year.

It is also the first time that the South Korean company is holding its Unpacked event in San Jose.

Sources said Samsung also plans to start pre-orders on January 17. The company is expected to showcase Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Plus, and Galaxy S24 Ultra for the first time.

San Jose is home to Google and Apple. Sources said Samsung also considered Seoul and San Francisco for the event but decided on San Jose to highlight its collaboration with Google and rivalry with Apple.

Pre-orders in South Korea will start on January 19 due to the time difference, lasting up to January 25. Regular sales will begin on January 30.

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