UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
MCNEX to get boost in FoD sensor biz
MCNEX to get boost in FoD sensor biz
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2019.10.20 23:19
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung to apply more to Galaxy A series
FoD sensor-applied A70 model
FoD sensor-applied A70 model

South Korean supplier MCNEX is expected to see huge growth in the optical fingerprint recognition sensor business due to wider applications in Samsung Electronics' Galaxy A series next year.

Industry sources said on Oct. 18 that MCNEX is supplying FoD (Fingerprint on Display) fingerprint recognition sensor modules to 4 types of the Samsung Galaxy A series.

“The exact size of the supplies that Samsung will need will be known in November,” said an industry representative.

Optical FoD fingerprint recognition sensors are based on technology similar to cameras, which was why MCNEX and another Korean supplier Partron, both camera module-makers, were among the first to set up mass production lines.
Samsung has been applying optical FoD fingerprint sensor modules to Galaxy A series since this year – the Galaxy A50, 70, 80 and 90 and Galaxy A30s.

This year, market sources say that MCNEX will most likely be supplying more to the Galaxy A smartphones, with the ratio against Partron about 50 to 30. Currently, the two firms are supplying around 40% each. Dreamtech, a latecomer in the market supplies the rest.

Because optical FoD sensors costs twice as much, they help suppliers bring in bigger revenues. According to market research firm TrendForce, smartphones using the FoD technology will surge to 50.3% in 2022, up from the 22.9% this year.

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