UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Sunic System signs KRW 28b deal with BOE
Sunic System signs KRW 28b deal with BOE
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.05.06 08:18
  • 댓글 0
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Looking to lead AR·VR industry
Sunic System's headquarters
Sunic System's headquarters

South Korea’s Sunic System has signed a deal worth KRW 28 billion worth ($22.6 million) with Chinese display maker BOE, according to Sunic’s disclosure on May 4. The amount would account for around 31.6% of Sunic’s total revenues in 2019.

The deal is to supply deposition equipment for the mass production lines of OLED on Silicon (OLEDoS), and not the ordinary OLED lines. OLEDoS tech integrates OLEDs with silicon wafers to enhance the picture quality of the panels that are mostly used for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality devices.

Sunic System has been seeing progress from its efforts to become a market leader in OLEDoS, with most global AR and VR display makers being supplied by Sunic.


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