LG Electronics has launched its 2020-model NanoCell TVs in South Korea, the company said Tuesday.
The 65-inch LG NanoCell 8K AI ThinQ, or 65Nano99, has started sales, the Korean hardware giant said. Another 65-inch model, called 65Nano97, which has slightly less specs will launch early next month, LG said.
The two models will cost 6 million won and 5.5 million won, respectively. Those who purchase them by the end of next month will get up to a million won in cashback.
LG launched its NanoCell brand of LCD TVs globally in March.
It launched two 75-inch models, called 75Nano99 and 75Nano97, with 8K resolutions, then.
For 4K models, it launched 55-inch, 65-inch, 75-inch and 86-inch screen sizes.
NanoCell TVs uses nanometer-sized particles to increase color accuracy by controlling the wavelength of light, LG said.
The company said the particles is applied at the panel-level, bringing it closest to the viewer’s eyes as possible, which brings out pure colors.
LG stressed that it was the only TV manufacturer offering 8K resolutions in both OLED and LCD TVs.
It stressed that it was also the only vendor that had a contrast modulation value of 90% for its 8K resolution, following the standards of the International Committee for Display Metrology.