UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
PI Advanced Materials wins in patent lawsuit against Kaneka 
PI Advanced Materials wins in patent lawsuit against Kaneka 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.03.18 19:38
  • 댓글 0
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At appeals court in the US
Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec

PI Advanced Materials said on Wednesday that it has won in its patent lawsuit against Kaneka in the US. 

The South Korean polyimide film maker first filed suit against its Japanese rival in August 2016 to the Central District Court of California. The suit was filed to confirm that it didn’t infringe on Kaneka’s patents. The Japanese company had earlier sent a letter of warning to PI Advanced Materials, claiming that the latter infringed on its patents.

PI Advanced Materials argued to the court that it has developed the polyimide films itself. The company won the lawsuit on July 2019, but Kaneka appealed. But the Court of Appeals in California again took the side of PI Advanced Materials.

The South Korean company has been the world’s largest manufacturer of polyimide films since 2014.

A company spokesperson said winning of the lawsuit nullified any patent risks going forward. PI Advanced Materials will actively conduct sales activities in regions it has refrained from doing so do to the lawsuit, they said.

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