UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
Neosem to expand into DC tester sector
Neosem to expand into DC tester sector
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.05.18 18:25
  • 댓글 0
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Chip back-end firm to supply tester to major customer
Image: Neosem
Image: Neosem

Neosem was currently developing a direct current (DC) tester to supply to a major chip firm, TheElec has learned.

The tester is used to see whether wafers that completed the front-end process have the same electric characteristics as expected. It measures the input and output voltage of each device on the wafer to check for defects.

The process is done before the burn-in test __ a stress test to see if the chips function in extreme environments.

Neosem is expected to be the sole supplier of the DC tester to the major chip firm.

The company is halfway through the development of the demo tester and is expected to complete it within the year.

Neosem’s current mainstay is solid-state drive (SSD) and burn-in testers.

It has begun supplying automation equipment this year and is expected to gain new revenue from the supply of DC testers next year.

The DC testers are upgraded from existing ones in the market and will have a higher price tag, people familiar with the matter said.

But it will only account for only 10% of Neosem’s revenue when it begins supply of them as the sector is relatively small.

Meanwhile, the company recorded 9.86 billion won in revenue during the first quarter, up 110% from a year ago, thanks to high demand for SSD testers.

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