UPDATED. 2024-11-04 09:06 (월)
Pixelplus to show engineering sample of automotive CIS next year
Pixelplus to show engineering sample of automotive CIS next year
  • Kang sung tae
  • 승인 2022.10.24 15:35
  • 댓글 0
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Chip meets AEC-Q100 and ISO26262 standards, company says
Image: Pixelplus
Image: Pixelplus

South Korean fabless chip firm Pixelplus will show of engineering samples of its automotive CMOS image sensor to customers during the first quarter.

The new product, called PK5130KA, will begin mass production during the second half of 2023 and contribute to the company’s revenue in 2024, Pixelplus said.

PK5130KA is the first chip to meet ISO26262 ASIL-B grade.

Pixelplus had previously supplied such chips through automotive solution firms at a lower price.

Supplying directly to tier-1 suppliers __ called before-market in the industry __ is more difficult due to the harder requirements that they must meet.

Tier-1 suppliers require such chips to meet AEC-Q100 and ISO26262 standards, the global reliability and safety standards.

ISO has ratings from A to D with D being the highest standard. Image sensors require the B grade.

PK5130KA meets these standards, according to Pixelplus. The company is planning to receive the ISO26262 certificate next year.

Pixelplus believes it has a market share of around 5% as of last year in the automotive CMOS image sensor sector.

ONSemiconductor, Sony and Omnivision are the leaders in the market.

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