UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Samsung Display may collaborate with APS Holdings for 3500ppi FMM development aimed at OLEDoS
Samsung Display may collaborate with APS Holdings for 3500ppi FMM development aimed at OLEDoS
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.03.17 16:53
  • 댓글 0
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Image: APS Holdings
Image: APS Holdings

Samsung Display was considering collaborating with APS holdings for the development of a 3500ppi fine metal mask (FMM), TheElec has learned.

The masks are used to manufacture OLED on silicon (OLEDoS) that can be used in virtual and augmented reality devices.

APS Holdings had last year unveiled an OLEDoS made with 3000ppi FMM last year.

OLEDoS are optimal for reality devices as they can pack high resolution on a small screen.

LG Display is currently developing a white OLEDoS that uses an RGB color filter, much like its OLED TV panels.

Samsung Display, meanwhile, is developing an RGB OLEDoS. It is likely in talks with APS Holdings for a 3500ppi FMM collaboration as that is the resolution its potential customers want.

Apple had made such requests to both Samsung Display and LG Display in the past, initially asking its two display panel suppliers to develop a 2800ppi OLEDoS but increasing the resolution required to 3500ppi.

APS Holdings uses a laser patterning method to make the holes on its FMM, unlike the widely used etching method.

The company believes that etching has limitations in increasing the OLED resolution above 600ppi.

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