UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
SK Telecom launches golf hole location service
SK Telecom launches golf hole location service
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.05.21 14:07
  • 댓글 0
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Golfers will have an easier time finding holes
Holes in gold courses are, indeed, sometimes hard to spot. Image: SK Telecom
Holes in gold courses are, indeed, sometimes hard to spot. Image: SK Telecom

SK Telecom has launched an Internet of Things (IoT) service that allows golfers to check where holes are in real-time at 40 golf courses in South Korea, the company said Thursday.

Golfers can use golf-related device maker VC’s watch, dubbed Voice Caddie T7, to check where the holes are when playing, the telco said.

SK Telecom applied auto pin location technology on VC’s laser distance measuring device called Voice Caddie SL2, which in turn will use the carrier’s GPS and IoT networks on golf courses to measure where the holes are. The watch worn by golfers receive this data, the company said.

A technology called real-time kinematic was used in this process that will provide distance measurement in the centimeters, SK Telecom said.

The technology has been in development since October of last year.

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